

A Note to Donors
Anonymous (16)
Mr. John Achatz and Ms. Mary Farrell
AFLAC International Japan
Mr. and Mrs. Gaby A. Ajram
Al Ansari Exchange
Khalaf Ahmad Al Habtoor Foundation
Estate of Ambassador Philip H. Alston Jr. and Elkin G. Alston
Alwaleed Philanthropies
Estate of Esther M. Ando
The Annenberg Foundation
Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development
Lord and Lady Michael A. Ashcroft
Estate of Marjorie K. Balazs
BASF Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. Russell L. Beckstead
Kingdom of Belgium
The Arthur M. Blank Family Foundation
Ms. Diana Blank
Mr. Richard C. Blum and The Honorable Dianne Feinstein
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence J. Brown
The Howard G. Buffett Foundation
Mr. Warren E. Buffett
Mr. Ronald W. Burkle
CAF – Development Bank of Latin America
Callaway Foundation
Government of Canada
Margaret A. Cargill Foundation
Carnegie Corporation of New York
Estate of Sylvia D. Cart
The Honorable Jimmy Carter and Rosalynn Carter
The Jimmy Carter Inaugural Trust
The Annie E. Casey Foundation
CDC Foundation
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
The Children’s Investment Fund Foundation UK
Clarke Cares Foundation/Clarke Mosquito Control
The Coca-Cola Company
The Coca-Cola Foundation
Ms. Caroline Cooley Browne
Cox Interests
Crabby Beach Foundation
Mrs. Dominique de Menil
Mr. Michael G. DeGroote
Delta Air Lines
The Delta Air Lines Foundation
Government of Denmark
Mr. Dermot Desmond
Mr. and Mrs. Pete Docter
The William H. Donner Foundation
Du Pont
Estate of Mark Eisner Jr.
The Elfenworks Foundation
The END Fund
The Charles Engelhard Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Engelke
Engelke Family Foundation
Environmental Systems Research Institute
European Union
Mr. Frederick J. Eychaner
Mr. Stefan Findel and Ms. Susan Cummings-Findel
The Ford Foundation
Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office, United Kingdom
Mr. Paul Francis and Ms. Titia Hulst
The Franklin Mint and Diana, Princess of Wales Memorial Fund
Freedom House
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Fuqua
Mr. and Mrs. David H. Gambrell
David Gambrell Endowment Fund
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
George Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. William W. George
Georgia Power Company
Georgia Power Foundation
The Federal Republic of Germany/Deutsche Gesellschaft Für Internationale Zusammenarbeit
Ms. Joanne G. Gimbel
Global Affairs Canada
Global Health Council/ Gates Award for Global Health
Estate of Claus Halle
Dr. Sidney Harman and The Honorable Jane Frank Harman
William Randolph Hearst Foundation
Mr. Christopher Hemmeter and Mrs. Patsy Hemmeter Epp
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation
Conrad N. Hilton Foundation
James and Anna Hoag Fund
The Home Depot
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher R. Hughes
John C. and Karyl Kay Hughes Foundation
Humanity United
Mr. and Mrs. Mark R. Humphrey
Dr. John P. Hussman and Mrs. Terri Hussman
The John P. Hussman Foundation
Estate of Frances and Arthur Hyde
IBM Corporation
Inter-American Development Bank
International Research & Exchanges Board
Government of Ireland/Irish Aid
ITOCHU Corporation
IZUMI Foundation
Government of Japan/Japan Social Development Fund
Johnson & Johnson
The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Estate of Lee and Harold Kapelovitz
W. K. Kellogg Foundation
The Kendeda Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Joe E. Kiani
The Thomas M. Kirbo and Irene B. Kirbo Charitable Trust
Mrs. Joan B. Kroc
Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development
Mrs. Joan Lamonica
Estate of Dr. Anne P. Lanier
Lions Clubs International Foundation
Estate of Dr. Willa Dean Lowery
LUI Che Woo Prize Limited
The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation
Estate of Robert Marsh
Masimo Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Henry K. McConnon
Merck & Co., Inc., Kenilworth, N.J. USA
The P. D. Merrill Charitable Trust
Mr. John J. Moores Sr.
Rebecca B. Moores
Estate of Peter A. Morgan
The Charles Stewart Mott Foundation
His Highness General Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi, in honor of His Highness Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed, the President of the UAE
His Highness Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi
Government of The Netherlands
Newpeak Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Nichols Jr.
Government of Nigeria
The Nippon Foundation
Nippon Keidanren
Noor Dubai Foundation
Government of Norway
Mr. Steven E. Nothern
Sir Emeka Offor Foundation
The Sultanate of Oman
Mr. and Mrs. Pierre Omidyar
The OPEC Fund for International Development
Open Society Foundations
The David and Lucile Packard Foundation
Palantir Technologies
United Nations Peacebuilding Fund
Pfizer Inc
Precision Fabrics Group
Francis I. Proctor Foundation
His Majesty Sultan Qaboos bin Said Al Said
Qatar Fund for Development
Mr. John W. Rendon Jr. and Ms. Sandra L. Libby
River Blindness Foundation
Rock Paper Scissors Foundation
The Rockefeller Foundation
Ms. Alice Rogoff
The O. Wayne Rollins Foundation
Mr. Gerald A. Rosenthal
Mr. David M. Rubenstein
Mrs. Deen Day Sanders
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Bakr M. BinLadin for the Saudi BinLadin Group
The Saudi Fund for Development
Mr. and Mrs. John Schreiber
Mr. Hugo X. Shong/IDG Capital Partners
Walter H. and Phyllis J. Shorenstein Foundation
The Skoll Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Brent L. Slay
Carlos Slim Foundation
Ms. Cherida C. Smith
Southern Company
Estate of Rex and Nancy Spivey
Stanard Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. James N. Stanard
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore R. Stanley
The Starr Foundation
Stephens Inc.
Government of the Republic of Sudan
Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. Sullivan
Government of Sweden/Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA)
Government of Switzerland
The Task Force for Global Health
The Task Force for Global Health, Coalition for Operational Research on Neglected Tropical Diseases (COR-NTD)
Turner Foundation
Government of The United Arab Emirates
United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF)
United Nations Development Programme
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali
United Nations Peacebuilding Fund
United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
United States Department of State
The UPS Foundation
The U.S.-Middle East Partnership Initiative
Walton Family Foundation
Mr. Holland M. Ware
Warren Living Trust
Estate of Grace Westcott
Joseph B. Whitehead Foundation
The Willow Springs Foundation
Mr. David Douglas Wilson and Mrs. Melody Wilder Wilson
Robert W. Woodruff Foundation
The World Bank
World Health Organization
Estate of Goldie Woserau
Dr. Ellen H. Yankellow and Mr. William E. Chapman
YKK Corporation
Mr. Tadahiro Yoshida
Walter and Elise Haas
Armand Hammer
Sidney Harman and Jane Frank Harman, Esq.
Governor and Mrs. W. Averell Harriman
Jess Hay
Christopher B. and Patricia K. Hemmeter
Philip M. and Ethel Klutznick
Mathilde and Arthur Krim
George P. Livanos
Fraydun Manocherian
G. William Miller
Guy W. Millner
George P. and Cynthia Mitchell
Set Charles Momjian
David Packard
George and Thelma Paraskevaides
Agha Hasan Abedi
Senator Hajime Akiyama
Ivan Allen III
Dwayne O. Andreas
Arthur and Diana Blank
Richard C. Blum
W. Michael Blumenthal
Edgar M. Bronfman Sr.
James C. and Connie Calaway
Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Carlos
Anne Cox Chambers
Warren Christopher
Dominique de Menil
Charles W. Duncan Jr.
His Majesty King Fahd of Saudi Arabia
J. B. Fuqua
Roberto C. Goizueta
Allen E. Paulson
Lamar and Frances Plunkett
John and Betty Pope
James D. Robinson III
Hasib J. Sabbagh
Deen Day Sanders
Ryoichi Sasakawa
Walter H. and Phyllis J. Shorenstein
Richard R. Swann
R. E. “Ted” Turner
Robert and Ann Utley
Edie and Lew Wasserman
Thomas J. Watson Jr.
Milton A. Wolf
Robert W. Woodruff
Tadao Yoshida
Erwin E. Zaban